How to save project created with Ver.2022.1 Preview as a format which is compatible with Ver.2021.1.4 ? Because i am aiming at using the UE4 plugin which can import tw files into UE4 projects. But the plugin only supports Twinmotion Ver.2021 files. So i am looking for some methods to convert these unsupported files into supported ones. I can endure some loss on new features if it can be really be implemented. Or are there any newer versions of the importing plugin that can support the latest Ver.2022.1 preview files?
如何才能将用2022.1 Preview版本创建的项目存储为与2021版本相兼容的版本?我现在想要用UE4把一些用2022版本创建的tw文件导入到UE4的工程中去,但是官方提供的插件目前仅支持2021版本创建的文件。所以我正在寻找有没有可以把这些2022版本创建的工程文件转换为/另存为与2021版本兼容的文件。假如真的能转换的话,我可以接受一些新特性的损失。或者这个UE4的导入插件有没有最新的可以支持2022版本tw文件的插件呢?