How to save procedural weapons?

Hello everyone,

I just recently started learning UE4 by making a little game.
I would basically work on a feature at a time and just watch a bunch of tutorials, use samples and all in all heavily google until that feature is done, then move on.

There is only one thing, I just can’t seem to find any information on and as I am still early in learning, I could have misconceptions about it.

So on to the question :slight_smile:
If I wanted to make a system, where there is a chance an Enemy drops a procedural Weapon (Random Name, Stats etc. /I think Borderlands does this), as what would that new Item be saved so I can access it later to equip, upgrade or sell?

Right now I have Library and Structs, that hold the weapon logic and variables, but I need to make a new Blueprint Actor to actually create the weapon. I should note I haven’t yet started looking into procedural generation on runtime.(Edit: I planned on buying ‘Is That A Gun In your Pocket - ( ITAGIYP )’ from the marketplace and modify for my needs.)
But I just don’t seem to understand how this would be done.


How do you save a procedurally generated weapon/item on runtime, so as to later equip, upgrade or sell it?

I also wanted to thank the whole UE4 community, I was speechless at first how helpful everybody is and how in-depth some questions have been answered.
Helped me a lot to wrap my head around many important concepts.
Thank you :slight_smile:


first of i assume you are only trying to give one type of item with different name, damage or durability. you can do something like this:

if you want this item to be pickup-able you must first implement a inventory.
then make a struct array in the enemy bp named something like “equipped_items”. the struct will contain information like name and stats and a class reference of the item. you can then drop the item on enemy death and spawn the same item using the class reference and then set its name and stuff using the struct saved in the enemy.

Basically you should create a inventory using tutorials on the internet first. a inventory which uses components would be a good idea. ill give you a link to one if you need it. once you implement the inventory it will become easier for you to tell how to spawn a item correctly so that it can be picked up and equipped etc.

Thank you very much, I think understand now what I was missing.
I was under the impression, that I have to save every Item on creation to be able to access it later, but just had no idea how to implement it.

I do have some tutorials for inventory lined up, but would always be interested in quality resources. :slight_smile: