How to save good quality 360 videos from a point cloud?

I saved a 360-degree video of a point cloud to use in VR. However, the program only renders the part that is seen in front of the 360 videos making it not possible to see the other areas. Is there a way to make the video more accurate?

This function works fine with the Revit project, for example, I only had problems with the point cloud.

I prefer to use 360 videos in VR because of the quality of the PC (my PC is not powerful enough to have a good experience in VR with a heavy point cloud).

Thank you in advance! 😊

Hello ,

Thank you for contacting us and reporting this issue with a point cloud and 360 videos, we would need to investigate this issue further and was hoping you would be able to contact us to report this limitation/bug. Here is the link to contact us:

Kind regards,

Vincent B.