How to save each frame of my game as a .png?

I would like to save each frame of my game as a .png or a .jpg format image and store them in a folder how can I do this? can anyone please help me find a solution to this??

I would also require a feature to record the gameplay in the final build any suggestion to implement this would be nice.

Thanks in advanced

How to save each frame of my game as a .png

why? so much why? your talking about saving 30-120 or more frames per second. i can understand wanting to record video but why would you ever need to save each frame as a picture.

You may use “highresshot 1” console command like this


However, this command is heavy and your fps is likely to drop immensely. I think you might want to check sequencer capabilities

What if I use the shot command?

You may use it as well but there have been some inconsistencies with it previously. I’m not aware if it is ok now, unfortunately. More info here

Alright thank you mate for the fast reply… Any suggestions for alternative methods are welcome

Well I was curious about saving each Frame… I’m learning about using them for training CNN as part of college project work.