I’m wondering how to save and share editor key bindings. That is, any changes made to the “Editor Preferences” → “Keyboard Shortcuts” page. I get the Export button, but it seems to require being “Imported” via the same page. What I want is to set the default config so I can share it in the repository, just like the settings in the other config files, so that the other members of my team don’t have to do the same bindings.
(Namely, it’s the classic unbinding of Esc for Stop since we, like everyone, is using Esc for pause.)
According to the Configuration Files doc key bindings should be placed in Config/DefaultEditorKeyBindings.ini, but I can’t get this to work. I’ve tried the following but without success, but I don’t know if it’s because I’m using the wrong binding names or if this just doesn’t work.
I’ve also tried with “+” instead of “.”