How to save an array?

Try use “set array element” node or “add” node

Hello am trying to setup a saving systeam for my game. I’ve got most of it worked but am have trouble saving spells on my hot bar. The main problem is when I try and load my game. When I save it seems to have like my array will have items in it. Then when I go to load it it tells it access none. So think am not saving my array properly. Any ideas?


I tried both and neither my spell array is getting set to none it seems nothing is saving at all

set array element use if you have const value of elements in array

okay so I’ve added the set array node in a for loop and now it’s adding the correct amount of items except they are still equal none for some reason

also put a for loop in my saving bp same result

Okay I’ve manged to get it working all I did was change the save spell from a object array to a class array it seems to be working now ty for the help