Docker build runs just fine, but when i`m running container in docker as this:
docker run -d -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all --gpus all ps
Container exits with code 1. Logs:
2024-07-11 22:11:25 [2024.07.11-19.11.25:440][ 0]LogLinux: Warning: MessageBox: Cannot find a compatible Vulkan driver (ICD).
2024-07-11 22:11:25
2024-07-11 22:11:25 Please look at the Getting Started guide for additional information.: Incompatible Vulkan driver found!: :
2024-07-11 22:11:25 [2024.07.11-19.11.25:440][ 0]LogCore: FUnixPlatformMisc::RequestExit(bForce=true, ReturnCode=1, CallSite=)
2024-07-11 22:11:25 [2024.07.11-19.11.25:440][ 0]LogCore: FUnixPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1, )
What am i doing wrong? CUDA is installed correctly:
PS E:\PixelStreamingTestApp> nvcc --version
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2024 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Thu_Mar_28_02:30:10_Pacific_Daylight_Time_2024
Cuda compilation tools, release 12.4, V12.4.131
Build cuda_12.4.r12.4/compiler.34097967_0
There could be a number of different things missing from the container setup.
It does seem to be a nvidia driver issue, or a general Nvidia Container Toolkit install issue.
I recommend following along with this guide here and ensure you have everything installed properly:
Hello @MWillWallT ! Thank u for response.
I`ve installed CUDA toolkit as u said but the app still not running with the same error.
Here is the last check screenshot
In my opinion, version 5.4 did not stream on Linux because I found that it uses Invenc12, but Nvidia officials told Invenc12 that driver 550.54 is required. At the same time, Vulkan 1.3.250 in UE5.4 does not support Nvidia driver 550.54 and higher versions. Currently, it only supports driver 550.40 and lower versions, which means that the Nvidia driver version on Linux is not compatible with the Vulkan version in Unreal Engine