The main menu is opened automatically when the game starts by specifying the ShooterEntry map as the default. It loads a special GameMode, AShooterGameMode, that uses the AShooterPlayerController_Menu class which opens the main menu by creating a new instance of the FShooterMainMenu class in its PostInitializeComponents() function.
I double clicked the ShooterEntry and hit Play with the ShooterGameMode/ShooterGame_TeamDeathMatch option in the GameMode. Also I changed the default map to ShooterEntry in Project Settings.
however, the Main Menu dit not show. the game did run, but not playable as the document says or as the vedios show on youtube.
I guess there is something that I miss or has changed.
by selecting the different maps you only load them in them into the editor. It has the same effects as using the menu items File > Open Level (Ctrl-O).
If you want to play a level you can test it with the large play button in the unreal engine user interface.
This is described in detail here:
The alternative is to export(package) the game and play it then independent from the editor.
This can be reached via the menu File > Package Project > .
If you export a game in this way it will load the map specified in the project settings (Settings > Project Settings > Maps & Modes). Under Default Maps choose the Game Default Map to the level you want to play.
Thank you for updating your question. I was able to reproduce your error. Sadly I couldn’t find the source of the problem. From glancing over the source code I would say that you need the ShooterGame_Menu as Game Mode because it uses the ShooterPlayerController_Menu as Player Controller class. And as given in the documentation you linked this class should open up the menu. But I couldn’t find out why it is not.
I modified the file “ShooterGameMode.cpp” line 44:
BotsCountOptionValue = 2;
This means there will be 2 robots.
I selected HighRise or Sanctuary with GameMode GameMode_FreeForAll, then the game began.
it’s not a good solution and there is no main menu.
ok I met the same problem and resolved it corinciddencely. You can run the level “ShooterEntry” with the “standalone play” mode! you can run the project successfully!