How to run python with UE4Editor-Cmd.exe in unreal engine 4.19

How to run python with UE4Editor-Cmd.exe in unreal engine 4.19

i use this method ,but get the error :
UE4Editor-Cmd.exe -run=pythonscript -script=“c:\”

[2019.03.02-01.35.02:874] 0]LogInit: Error: pythonscriptCommandlet looked like a commandlet, but we could not find the class.
[2019.03.02-01.35.02:874] 0]LogInit: Error: pythonscriptCommandlet looked like a commandlet, but we could not find the class.
[2019.03.02-01.35.02:876] 0]LogExit: Preparing to exit.

I found this to work in unreal engine 4.20, but my project is based on 4.19. So running this error,

That commandlet wasn’t added until 4.20, so isn’t available in 4.19.

Thank you very much for your reply.

Result: I can only use the following commands, but the disadvantage is to start GUI

D:\Program Files\UE_4.19\Engine\Binaries\Win64>UE4Editor-Cmd.exe “D: est est.uproject” ExecutePythonScript=“D:\”