October 16, 2022, 8:29pm
In UE4 there are “tutorial uassets” which extend from EditorTutorial base class. You can click on the asset to begin an in editor tutorial.
There is also an in editor tutorial window:
In ue5 there is no play button on the tutorial uassets and there is no “in editor tutorial window” that I can find.
Do tutorial assets work in ue5, if so, how? “tutorial” is an impossible term to search for and I can’t actually find any info on these assets.
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October 17, 2022, 12:00pm
In the ContentExamples start level provided by Epic Games, they have resolved to using this workflow for descriptive / tutorial purposes. I suggest you rely on the same system. Here is an image I took to showcase more in detail of what I am discussing:
Hi! Have you solved your issue?
Linking this post with another similar question.
Does UE 5 still support Guided Tutorials?
And if so, how can you run a guided tutorial blueprint?
(Either for basic UE functionality or for custom plugins?)
The “Guided Tutorial” feature in Unreal Engine 3 and 4 was a staple for the Unreal Editor.
It was great for onboarding people in UE or to catch up after being away for a few versions.
Late in the rev history of UE 4, the Guided Tutorial features were moved out of the engine and into a plugin.
The plugin is still available all …
I have posted a possible solution in the link above - it requires a little change in the source code. Hope it works!