How to rotate player with camera

So I want my character to rotate with camera when i look at right or left (I dont want the player to see the face of character like fortnite or jedi fallen order games)

There are many ways to deal with rotation and animation and control and camera; it all depends on how you build your player Pawn/Character.

The two “most standard” ways are: If your character does “inherit control rotation” for yaw, then the character controller will automatically rotate it when the controller rotates. The camera spring arm should not inherit control rotation here.

If you don’t want the character controller to rotate movement, but only the animation to rotate, then you need to apply a twist to the spine based on the camera orientation relative to the main character orientation, in your character animation blueprint. Here, the camera spring arm will probably inherit rotation, and you’ll use the relative rotation of that to the character, to drive spine twist, and distribute the twist along your multiple spine and neck bones appropriately.