How to rotate mini map with mouse x input?

Hi everyone,

I am trying to figure out how i can rotate my minimap with the horizontal input of my mouse. I followed Virtus Learning Hub / Creative Tutorials video Creating A UI Minimap - #10 Unreal Engine 4 Blueprint Creations Tutorial - YouTube, i have my mini map setup and have created a blueprint to rotate the map. The only problem now is that i can’t see my minimap from the top and i want to controll it from the top view with the horizontal mouse movement ( left to right and vice versa). And another thing the minimap cannot do weird things when i press wsa or d. Don’t know if i’m explaining this right. Anyway here is my blueprint. Any help is welcome…


this [video][1] shows you how to use touch screen to rotate camera which works with mouse and touch.

you can modify that to rotate mini map instead of add controller pitch and yaw.

its works great.

i have used it in different ways.


Thanks for the info, what node can i use instead of add controller pitch and yaw?

And how do i use the horizontal mouse input on the minimap?

Can you show it in blueprints? I can’t figure it out.

is your mini map a widget?

can you implement a way to detect if you click on mini map?

Yes my mini map is a widget blueprint, i can create an event called “OnMouseButtonDown” but that’s not what i need.

I don’t see any other ways to detect it the minimap.

I have created a new blueprint in third person character and it rotates my mini map but it does not lock the camera of my mini map in the up and down axis.

( “The InputAxis TurnRate” needs a check to lock the movement of that specific axis )

I can move it together with the third person camera and the minimap is in third person view if you know what i mean.

If you follow the video i have added in my first post and get the following blueprint setup you will know what i mean…

now you have made a mini map like that video and you want to improve it right?

now the question is, do you want to only rotate that image or the camera above the player?

if you already have implemented that rotation and now you want to block x or y axis of camera rotation while you are rotating mini map, you need to add a boolean to your player BP and set it to true when mouse is on mini map then on axis x event of camera put a branch and say if that boolean is false rotate camera.

is it what you want?

Yes i want to improve it. I want to rotate the camera.

I want to move the image of the minimap, so that it rotates in a circle when i move my mouse left and right like in the game Cysis for example.

The character turns right or left and the minimap turns with the character.

That’s what i need. I called the boolean variable Mouse, by default it is unchecked.

I connected a set mouse node to the input axis turn rate node and checked the little white box.

At the input axis turn node i connected a branch with a condition Mouse.

i have no compile errors but the minimap camera does not move. Any thoughts on how to move the camera?

I think you must disconnect all nodes that rotates the main camera when mouse is on minimap and rotate the second camera instead.

implement something like this and then we improve it:

when you click on minimap check a boolean and say only rotate second camera if that is chekced and when you click on minimap again unckeck that.

you can use a flip flap to detect if it is the first click or second click

you need a video tutorial to learn how implement exactly what you want but I cannot do it for you. so if are interested to solve this problem i can help you do it step by step

some information about flip flap in this page

You have been very helpfull but i have found the solution to the problem.

This blueprint rotates the minimap with the input axis turn node.

Thanks for the help but i have fixed my own problem.
