ok im at a loss here and cannot figure this out at all. im using the top down template but i changed the controls to 3rd person (bought a marketplace item that was TD). it all works except the mouse axis x/y doesn’t free look the camera with out holding down right mouse click. i disabled the mouse interface stuff on the controller but all it does is hide the cursor.
any help would be appreciated.
I think this function may help you, assign it to a keyboard button to execute it on runtime and see if it works
here is a gif to see what im on about, you can see i need to press the mouse to rotate
i already tryed that and it doesnt work
the mouse cursor is allways active when i change the mouse interface to all turn off it only hides the cursor
my setting are the same, ive tryed disabling stuff and still the same, the marketplace asset im using is the top down multiplayer survival one and ive asked the author to help me but i just get ignored.
then that is the setup of your input, you need to change how the input works on your project can you post a screenshot of the input setup ?
weird, have you tried with Capture Permanently and Lock always on the last 2 settings?? that seems to work for me
yea with lock allways and capture perm its still the same. it must be something in this asset that preventing it from doing what i want, just wish the guy would answer me on marketplace forum.
anyone have any idea that could help me out?
Hey man, found any answer? It seems i have the same problem…
You should set your input mode to Game Only.
Get Player Controller, then set input mode to game only