How to rotate camera after 'set view target with blend'?


I would like to change the view to other player’s characters.

If I press a button, cam switches to the other player’s view but I want the camera to rotate as my mouse moves.

‘Set view target with blend’ make it work,

but unfortunately I can’t make the camera rotate maybe because the camera is another player’s possession.

I simply want to make the camera rotate as my mouse moves. Any advice?

Can two players possess one pawn? Possession can only be implemented on the server, so it can’t be done locally. I only need it locally btw.

Just tested, possession doesn’t allow two players. Just kicks the previous player from possessing.

After you have set view target, why not then possess the other player?

Ok, spawn a new camera, set it’s world position to the other player’s camera, then view target to the new camera. You can control it. When you’re done, destroy it. What about that?.. :slight_smile:

Well, i’ve actually found a new way working but thanks!

Make the camera actor and follow that guy on tick Xp

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What did you do?..

sorry i am facing the same problem now i blended with a car cam and cannot rotate any more can y help me and explain plz ?
even when i spawn a camera actor i can not rotate also