How to rotate Arrow component to center of screen

I would like to rotate Arrow Component to center of my screen.

I have this code

But it is not working. Can you help me to build code?

Why not just plug in “Get Camera Location” to the target of “Find Look at Rotation”?

You were almost there:

(Actually you were exactly there and then added a bunch of stuff :wink:)

I’m trying to get the arrow to point to the center of the screen where the crosshair. Your arrow seems to be pointing in the opposite direction (to my player?).

Arrow is way how to spawn bullets.

Get Starting location from gun or arrow origin

Get your target like this: Get Camera Rotation > Get Forward Vector > Multiply Vector by float (distance you want to point to) > Add Vector you just multiplied to Camera Location

Note that this makes your arrow point only accurate to the fixed distance.

Thank you guys