How to rotate a "world aligned texture"

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Im posting an intriguing question for me.

I know how to rotate a texture by 90 degrees with the custom rotator. (images in annex)

But i have no idea how to rotate by 90 degrees a texture with the “world aligned texture”.

Is there any valid way i can associate the custom rotator with the world aligned texture???

I have tried some combinations, but nothing worked so far.

In case you are wondering why i want to know this, its because i work in archviz, and sometimes i need to apply a texture in multiple separate objects, but i want it to have the same scale and rotation in all of them.

I cant lose lots of time configuring separate materials fo the “same” texture to appear with the right scale for diferent objects.

If i cant rotate a “world aligned texture” , i can use it properly.

I have a trick. I can pre-rotate the texture 90º in photoshop. Then import it to unreal. It does the trick. But its kind of way around, and i would like to do it on the UE4.

Any one knows how to do this? , or any work around, so i can apply a material do different objects, but still having the same UV tiling scale and rotation
in all of them.

Once again, thank you for your help.

I would also like to know the answer to this. Bumping for interest.

This guy seems to have made a fancy-dancy material function to make it work, but doesn’t go into how he made it, or how I could use it:[UE4] World Aligned Texture/Normal with Rotation and offset. - YouTube
EDIT: Found the rest of his project, try this: Material Function - World Aligned Texture/Normal With offset & Rotation - Asset Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums


Photoshop is the most effecient way.

Hi! Found quite an easy way to do it! Just open the WorldAlignedTexture function by double-clicking on it. Find Mask nodes And add custom rotation to each of them (block A). If you want to control the rotation outside the function you could add block B. It will give you control for texture rotation over each axis!


that actually worked. Good job! Thanks a lot.

that actually worked. Good job! Thanks a lot.


If anyone needs help with this in 23 and you’re having issues with normals you have to open the additional material function (World Aligned Normals - High Quality) within the world aligned normal node and hook it up like this:


Спасибо, серёга!!! Давно искал ответ на этот вопрос

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Thanks a lot Sergey! That´s brilliant

Thanx very much too. Was searching for a few hours till i found your solution. Works perfect.

Awesome! Thank you so much!

太牛了 真的成功了 我需要最上层的偏移 一开始在在0-1之间调试 没什么变化 最后在30-40调试 起作用了 感谢!

it worked!!
Cheers, mate!