I want to rotate my texture object before i put it into my texture sample. I don’t want to load in an already rotated image. Someone knows how to do this? Thank you!
You should rotate the UVs, that you are using with texture sampler. There is a Rotator and CustomRotator material nodes for such purpose.
Hey Deathrey,
Thanks for the reply. I know this, but it is not working in my case. Course I scale and move my texture also with those UV’s in the texure sampler, and this makes that the pivot of the image is not centered anymore. The image has first to be rotated, and after this put in the texture sampler. Even if I am able to ajust the pivot of the image in the sampler, it will not work. Course the location of the image is on every instance of the material a bit diffrence, what would mean that the pivot has to be diffrence on every instance. Only way I can think up is rotating the texture object itselves before putting into the texture sampler.
For you, texture object is just some data in memory. There is nothing you can do with it. So whatever manipulation you need, it needs to be on UVs, and frankly, there is nothing, that would not be doable, including rotating around certain point while scaling the texture at the same time.
I solved it more or less by adjusting the UV’s, it was a toff one in this case. Thanks for the information.
how did you solved it? it is possible to change the rotation of the texture object?