I’m now using a Rotating Movement Component (under Movement Components) to perform continuous rotation for a wheel or propeller and I want to rotate it to a desire steering angle (e.g. 30 degree) in runtime. I try to set 30 under SetComponentRelativeRotation, but the object sometimes moves/rotates to the other side of the centre.
When applying Rotating Movement Component for a object, I find that all the value for rotations may change perioded in runtime, even though performing continuous rotation in only one axis. For example, for a object with relative rotation (0,0,30) default under “X” continuous rotation speed , its rotation in runtime would be somethine like (0, X, 30), (-179.999 ,6X , -150.000) and so on. Therefore, the object goes to the other side when simplly set the rotation to 30.
SO… How to rotate it to my desire steering angle? thx.