How to rotate a object(wheel/propeller) when using Rotating Movement Component?

I’m now using a Rotating Movement Component (under Movement Components) to perform continuous rotation for a wheel or propeller and I want to rotate it to a desire steering angle (e.g. 30 degree) in runtime. I try to set 30 under SetComponentRelativeRotation, but the object sometimes moves/rotates to the other side of the centre.

When applying Rotating Movement Component for a object, I find that all the value for rotations may change perioded in runtime, even though performing continuous rotation in only one axis. For example, for a object with relative rotation (0,0,30) default under “X” continuous rotation speed , its rotation in runtime would be somethine like (0, X, 30), (-179.999 ,6X , -150.000) and so on. Therefore, the object goes to the other side when simplly set the rotation to 30.

SO… How to rotate it to my desire steering angle? thx.

You can’t do that with rotating movement. Rotating movement rotates the entire BP, and you only want to rotate the wheel, and then move it relative to the BP.

I made a ‘propeller’ like this

Notice how I attached cube 2 and 3 to cube 1. This means I can rotate cube 1, and the others go with it



NOW, I can rotate the whole BP, because the cube has it’s own rotation, unaffected by the rest of the BP


Thanks for reply, Smart solution to separate the two rotations! On your recommendation, I set up a new USceneComponent as a parent steering joint to perform steering rotation and let the propeller mesh perform continuous rotation with Rotating Movement Component itself only. All things go right now!

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