How to rig, animate, export and imprt and play animation skeletal mesh in UE4 from Maya

I’ve read all the documentation and tried figuring it out myself and it’s been very confusing and I have got so far nowhere in this process. I’m simply trying to take a mesh (such as a gun or vehicle) and rig it properly and animate it in Maya and take it into UE4, using an FBX and play the animation. And clearly I’m getting no where with it. Is there anyone that knows how to do this properly. And if so can you explain as clearly and detailed as possible like as if it’s the first time doing it, like making sure what things need to be checked and what the different nodes need to be plugged into and also screen caps or video would be really appreciated. I’ve tried watching tutorials or reading UE4 documentation and they are confusing and don’t get to explaining what I’m trying to get done. I’ve been at it for 3 days and would like help. Unfortunately most videos or documents already have the entire thing complete and not explained what they did and so i dont figure out the proper steps to take. for now im just using a simple mesh consisted of 3 boxes moving around each other. just so i can figure out how you take this from maya to ue4 and make it all work. but i get lost it whether i need a blueprint, and animated blueprint, and animated sequence, etc im just lost complete.


Your help will be most extremely helpful


Before export you need follow this instruction:

  1. All animation on your skeleton mast be baked. Another word, we need has animation key on each frame.

  2. Geometry mast be skinned. Not parented, not constrained, only skinned. No matter it is one mesh or several mesh. It all mast be skinned to skeleton.

If this done, you can export animated skeletal mesh to FBX.

How to import animation, you can see in this tutorial.

And do not forget to look:

Unreal 4 Engine Docs

Unreal 4 Engine Wiki


Unreal Engine 4 Youtube cjannel

Sorry to back to you so late svv3dUDN, so I believe from what i’ve read from what you said i think I’ve done that part correct, you can tell me if i messed up anywhere. So after I make the mesh, and place the bones/joints. I selected the mesh group and the beginning joints and i went to Animation>Skin> Smooth skin and applied flood on to the joints with paint weight i wanted them to have 100% control of.

And than this was my hierarchy, i didn’t use any parent constraints or any other constraint at all. just completely skinned. As well as all my animations have been keyed on the rig and moves exactly how it should.

i cant attach the playblast but it work exactly like it should animated. and this is how it looks when i export it with the settings.

than i import into UE4 exactly like the video shows and it works just like it shows, but i try to get it to play in the level and it wont. i flowed this video Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial: skeletal mesh matinee (english) - YouTube for the rest of the way and no luck. did everything as instructed and mesh won’t move in level but will play in the skeletal mesh previewer. idk what to do, and i have have gone through the UE4 Engine docks with no luck in telling me what i need it to do. What do i do to fix this?

Yes, export is all right. Maybe you do something wrong during import. I exported animation from MoCap example. And import it to UE4.

You will not forget import animation with you skeletal mesh?

hey here are some screenshots. it plays in the anim but doesn’t in the level


I think that is your problem. Position of your animation clip set out of Matinee animation range.

OMG thank you so much. this fixed it thank you

one last thing to ask, if you are importing a rigged character with animation, skeletal mesh, from maya to UE4 and it has constraints, what do you do for that? Or is it, you can have constraints but when u export it out as an fbx, you have the contraint option in animation turned off?

Last version of FBX has support for export/import several type of MAYA constraint. But UE4 not support import for constraints. Only joint, mesh, skin node and blendshape (or morph target).