How to revert Root Component to Capsule Component? (BP_FirstPersonCharacter)

I’ve accidentally changed (no clue how) the capsule component of BP_FirstPersonCharacter to a root component and now I have a crazy amount of errors and everything’s broken in my project now. Is there any way to fix this?

(Restarting with new FP starter content in a different project and copy pasting the old blueprint code is causing more compile errors in the other blueprints in the FP folder as the references and casts are all invalid now)

I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?

I couldn’t edit my previous reply because it was waiting for approval, however I found a solution by some searching to revert back the root component to a capsule component and fix the bugged skeletal mesh;

1: Create a backup copy of your corrupted character blueprint to save some additional detail-panel settings
2: Open the corrupted blueprint
3: On the top, select ‘Class Settings’ and in the ‘Details’ panel > ‘Class Options’ > ‘Parent Class’ switch from Character to Pawn, then back from Pawn to Character

This solved the issue for me.
Here is a video of doing that:
Additionally, this might be helpful for some (if the blueprint enum bug still persists in the engine): /watch?v=aMGEqsGIrcI
Source of my solution (this also contains some sort of plugin to fix this but I didn’t try that): Reddit - Dive into anything


I also got the same problem recently after I done many things in my custom third person character component, it happened once before, I just copy and pasted every node, variable, function, but it is a painful process and I wouldn’t necessarily do it again so that it just breaks again… If anyone know a solution please leave a reply on this post, I don’t know what caused the capsule component to become root in my case neither, I don’t recall accidentally pressing any shortcut binds, nor drag and dropped with cursor (the capsule to the root) so no idea what is the cause of the problem.

When it happened before, I made a new character actor, as I said, copy pasted everything and it was working for a while, I changed up and down some custom setting values to see if any of my scripts or functions mess with it, but wasn’t able to replicate the problem, so it was working for a while but now something triggered this bug again for me as well.

i just had the same problem happen to me and i am sooo mad this is even a bug, i opened my BP and was only tidying up some nodes and UE5.3 crashed while saving then when i opened it back up in the BP my capsule became a Root Component and my character mesh became blank so now every setting is gone and i have to redo so much work… did you ever find a way to stop it from happening again?

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I now had the same problem, maybe the reason is because I duplicate the anim graph, or tried to copy marco( hhaha), so now I need to create everything from start, sad

Thankyou! It’s really helpful!

This issue has happened to me several times on one project. It is so annoying. I have to change parent class to pawn and back to character. But all settings go back to default. So remember what all your settings are for your character

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