How to return from C++ to Blueprint-only?

Hi there,

is it possible to convert a C++ project back to a blueprint-only project? I am not using any C++ functionality, just did some tests but got too many problems. But it seems not possible to just delete the created classes (which aren’t referenced from my project at all).

Long story short: Is it possible to go back to blueprint or did I essentially open pandora’s box?

I don’t recall being able to go back to a blueprint only project. If you have assets in your asset browser, there is a workflow for migrating them into a new project ( this time blueprint only ).

Assuming that you don’t reference any game module C++ classes, you can perform conversion safely.

  1. Remove Sources directory - since you don’t need them.
  2. Modify .uproject file. Open this file in notepad and remove module information.

Example below:


	"FileVersion": 3,
	"EngineAssociation": "{A9DDCAFD-4F9B-7DAC-AD40-AC8288FEBEBE}",
	"Category": "",
	"Description": "",
	"Modules": [
			"Name": "Research_SplitScreen",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "Default"
	"Plugins": [
			"Name": "Paper2D",
			"Enabled": true


	"FileVersion": 3,
	"EngineAssociation": "{A9DDCAFD-4F9B-7DAC-AD40-AC8288FEBEBE}",
	"Category": "",
	"Description": "",
	"Plugins": [
			"Name": "Paper2D",
			"Enabled": true

Thank you, that really helped me out for now.

EDIT: … but packaging fails if I remove the code project, don’t ask me why.

Unfortunately this doesn’t work for me (I have no Sources dir nor any Module information in my uproject file).

My story: I tried a C++ project on 4.13 preview (didn’t really do anything besides open the editor, then got scared and changed my mind). I went back to working on my 4.12 version (untainted in perforce), then when I upgraded my project to 4.13 later I discovered it thinks it’s a code project. So I removed all intermediate/saved project data, deleted everything Unreal-related in AppData and ProgramData, completely uninstalled and deleted all engine installations (so there’s nothing on the PC besides the launcher and VS). Reinstalled from launcher, upgraded project to 4.13 again and it still thinks it’s a code project.

I can develop on my laptop with the project fine, because it doesn’t have VS installed and says something about “can’t find 64-bit tools, assuming no compilation ability” - it cooks and packages fine. So it seems like I’ll just have to remove VS (or continue the project on a machine without VS)… because if I do a cook or package with compilation ability it appears to bake that into the project data, and if I check-in that data in then I can’t package on a machine without VS from then on.