How to Retrieve the Changed Value of FSoftObjectPath in FNotifyHook's NotifyPostChange?

I’m working with the FNotifyHook class in Unreal Engine and overriding the NotifyPostChange function:

struct FActionBaseShowData : public FTableRowBase

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
	FSoftObjectPath CastShow = nullptr;

class SHOWACTIONSYSTEMEDITOR_API ActionShowDataNotifyHook : public FNotifyHook

	virtual void NotifyPostChange(const FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent, FEditPropertyChain* PropertyThatChanged) override
		FName PropertyName = PropertyChangedEvent.Property->GetFName();
		if (PropertyName.IsEqual("CastShow"))
			// I want to retrieve the value of CastShow.
			// or the value of the owner, FActionBaseShowData


In this function, I need to retrieve the new value of the changed property, specifically when the property is of type FSoftObjectPath.

What would be the correct approach to get the updated FSoftObjectPath value in this scenario? I’ve attempted to use PropertyChangedEvent to access the data but haven’t been able to successfully retrieve the new value.

Any advice or examples would be greatly appreciated!