How to retarget the skeletal mesh of UE4 mannequin to the new skeletal mesh of UE5 mannequin

Hello everyone!
I need some quidance here.
I have this skeletal mesh here:

Which is based on the ue4 mannequin.

I also have a template about a combat system and in the process of integrating my existing character (shown to the previous screenshots) to the combat template’s code and system I run through this issue.

As you can see the template’s character and AnimBp uses Manny the ue5 mannequin which of course has different bones than ue4 mannequin and as expected I have issues with the animations.

Is there any way to retarget the actual skeleton of Ivan (my character) to match the ue5 (Manny). Not the animations (I know about animation retargeting I dont mean that), the actual skeletal mesh.

Thanks everyone!

PS I m using ue 5.2 but I have access to ue5.4

What do you mean by retargeting the skeleton? When you add / remove bones to / from a skeletal mesh, it becomes a completely different skeleton. How big the difference is doesn’t matter. I think what you wanna accomplish is retargeting your animations in between models that use different skeletons. Here is the documentation for it, you can scroll down a bit to reach the second part and check it out! :blush:

Yea I guess my question is a bit wrong. I mean if there a tool or a way available that I can make my skeletal mesh have the same skeleton as ue5 mannequin. Now it uses the ue4’s mannequin

I recommend using a 3D editor for that like Blender or Maya and reimporting your asset.

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I know that is a solution. I m wondering if unreal engine has a simpler more effective tool

For replacing a model’s skeleton with one that was not designed for it? Nope, that wouldn’t work by simply assigning it to the character. For editing skeletal meshes inside the engine, there is a plugin but I wouldn’t recommend using that over a proper 3D editor in this case since it’ll be an overhaul.

So the only way to “Retarget” ones skeleton’s bones to match the bones of another skeleton is throught third party tools?

The proper way to create a skeleton is through a 3D editor such as Blender or Maya. What you want to achieve is also creating a brand new one, like I explained in my initial reply.

Additionally, I kinda sensed a hesitation from you on using other platforms other than Unreal. You already can’t create a project efficiently by only using the editor. You would need to use Unreal Engine, Visual Studio (or other options) and Blender (again, or other options) together.

Honestly your best bet is to either do it in a modeling application like blender as I’m not too sure you can do that in unreal or you can retarget the animations and rebuild the combat system and an animation blueprint for ue4 skeleton. (which shouldnt be too hard as you have a model to copy)

Turns out after some research this is the best approach

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