How to retarget the current content browser selection in 5.4?

Just as the question states, how can I retarget the assets that I have meticulously spent many minutes selecting? The retargeter shows ALL the assets, including assets not even in the same folder, and it is not organized in any way. There is no easy way of filtering by folder other than painstakingly typing out your three sentence file path.
In previous version we could select our assets in the content browser, right click, retarget, and it would retarget the current selection, taking advantage of neatly organized FOLDERS.
Basically I just want the same functionality as before, to retarget the animations I have selected without having to repeat select everything everytime I open the retargeter? Or atleast keep the retargeter open after retargeting, so I don’t have to enter a file path everytime?


Have you found a way?

why not just copy the path from the content browser? then it will show only assets in that folder which you can further filter if needed

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and for me on 5.5.1 retargeter stays open now

Imagine that your animation folder has many subfolders, and these animations are distributed in these subfolders. You enable the filter in the animation folder, and then you select some animations and Retarget them.

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