How to "retarget" skeleton on PhysicsAsset?

When you apply a new Preview mesh on your physics asset, you get a new Physics asset in phat with the proportions of your newly applied mesh. I’d like to do the same thing at runtime.(Have the old physics asset with proportions of another skeletalmesh. In the PHAT editor it even the simulation is played correctly.)
Just wondering, if there is a similar function to call to


on the PhysicsAsset.
Already had a look at

USkeletalMeshComponent::InstantiatePhysicsAsset(*PhysAsset,FVector(1.0),HighLevelBodyInstances, HighLevelConstraintInstances, PhysScene_PhysX, Mesh, INDEX_NONE, FPhysicsAggregateHandle());


USkeletalMeshComponent::InstantiatePhysicsAssetRefPose(*PhysAsset,FVector(1.0),HighLevelBodyInstances, HighLevelConstraintInstances, PhysScene_PhysX, Mesh, INDEX_NONE, FPhysicsAggregateHandle());

but they seem to affect the PhysicsBodies only, but not the skeleton/pose itself.
I call SetRefPoseOverride first to override skeleton/pose transforms, and it works quite well with animations. But as soon as I call SetSimulatePhysics on the mesh, the PhysicsAsset resets the skeleton transforms to the original version.