How to restrict morph values from 0-1

I know this was a requested feature last year, of having morph negative values: Morph target with negative values - Character & Animation - Unreal Engine Forums

Now I am needing the contrary, I want my morph values restricted to positive values. How I can do that in the editor with Blueprint only project?

The problem is I am importing animations that have negative values that I want to ignore. Everything bellow 0 should be 0 and above 1 should be 1. This way a can reproduce better the same animation I’m having on 3ds Max.

Best regards,


In Animation section you can Add animation curves of your imported animation. And do any adjustment: move, add or delete keys, change falloff type.

Hi, thanks for the quick answer.
Then I have to edit all the keys manually? Also what I want is to set all negative keys values to 0, not delet them. Because in that case I think would be better to code a script on 3ds max :-/