How to resolve 'file not found error'

This is a user who has used Reality Capture for a long time.
I don’t know if it’s the feeling
I feel like ‘File not Found Error’ occurs more often after using version 1.4.
I looked it up on the web and it seems that the cause of the occurrence is related to the Cache file.
The very recent “File not Found Error” occurred when I left work after starting the texturing process.
When I checked with a remote connection at home, there was a ‘File not Found Error’ like the attached image.
Even though I didn’t touch the computer I was working on at all.
The projects I’ve worked on recently have a very high probability of ‘File not Found Error’, so I abandoned many projects.
I don’t have a way to recover it, or I don’t know how to recover it.
Is there a way to restore the project if there is a ‘File not Found Error’?
The time and care I put into working on it is so precious.

Hi, where are you storing your source images? Are they on a networked drive or external drive, or are they in a folder that is synced to a cloud service? For maximum stability, we recommend you have your project files, cache, and source images on a local SSD that is not accessed by any other software or being synced to the cloud while you work.

Regarding “recovering the project” are you finding that the project is completely broken after receiving this message?

The image source is stored on the D drive the same as the RC Project file, and the path has not been changed.
Occurs during texturing loading.
The Project Recovery button cannot be recovered because it does not appear.

Having same issue, all files all on same drive, can make model no error, but once I texture , error arrises. Any clue to what it might be or at least see what file it cant read. Log just shows batches being loaded or processed. Thanks for any help on this.

I have discussed this with a colleague. The issue normally arises when users are using external drives or any drive with even a slightly temperamental connection. If the drive loses connection to the system at any stage of the calculation, then this can corrupt the project file. Make sure to use a local drive, with plenty of free space on it, that is not in any way synced to any sort of cloud service.

In addition to the C and D drives built into the computer’s body, I use hard racks to attach more HDD, but I just connected it for backup purposes and no data related to Reality Capture operations is connected.
The Reality Capture operation is specific to the D drive only.
However, are you saying that disconnecting additional HDD connected separately from C and D drives may cause the problem?

No only the drive storing the project and the inputs, drives that have no connection to anything going on in RC should not cause any issues. Unfortunately it’s hard to advise what to do here as this hasn’t happened on any of our PCs, and we don’t know how to reproduce it. Any extra information about your hardware or how your PC is setup might help.