How to reset quest tracker?

Hey everyone!
Help me please. I create map in Fortnite creative and set up tracker device + timer + accolade device. When the player spends X minutes on the map, he will receive a reward and the quest will be completed. HUD quest disappears. How do I make the quest restart automatically? The timer and accolade are working, but I need the quest designation to reappear.


A decent way to get a tracker system to loop is by using a Ping Pong Tracker setup

To do this copy the tracker, so you have 2, setup the timer and accolade to both.
The first tracker is assigned at game start or by some event, and the second tracker is unassigned.
Set both trackers to assign on completion of the other tracker.
And have them both reset off thier own completion.

An alternative you could do is making the tracker itself never finish (The Event will still be send when its finished but it wont dissapear from the screen)

Then you could just reset progress when its completed. Effectively resseting it. Thats how I’ve done it for a good while

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