How to reset mesh after ragdoll?

  1. I’m activating ragdoll for the character’s mesh as you can see in the attachment
  2. I want to reset mesh back but it doesn’t following the root component of the character anymore

How to reset mesh position and make it following root component of the character again?

What are you disabling collision on? Is it the capsule component?

Try resetting the mesh to its starting location after turning ragdoll off:


The capsule stays on the same position when ragdoll is enabled

Yes, i’m disabling collision on the capsule component.

It doesn’t help, I can set any location to the mesh but it doesn’t follow the root component anymore.

It wont help because the capsule has fallen through the floor because you are disabling collision on it…you can watch it fall if you enable show collision during play or simulate…once you disable collision on the capsule it will fall away. Try setting up a new collision profile to keep it from falling through the floor but allows other pawns/characters to pass/walk through it that way it doesn’t fall away…then try setting the location and rotation

Hmm…when I tested it disabling the collision made it fall through the floor…instead of using an all bodies below node try using a Set Simulate Physics and just connect the mesh to the target pin… I was able to set it back to the A-Pose and return it to normal position in the BP by using that

I tried that too. Mesh is returning to its pose but detaches from the character and not following it in the world anymore.

That’s the point that I used the set relative location and rotation node to set it back at its starting point to match the capsule’s

I know about that solution but it should be called from Tick event. Looks like that is only right option.

I noticed that animation blending also doesn’t working after ragdoll.

Here is perfect lessons:

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This is what worked for me

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