This is for a vr game in Unreal Engine 5.4.3 btw:
I am trying to make a spherical actor reset to the location it started from when i click a physical button. Right now i have a pawn in the shape of a cube with an “actor begin overlap” event so that i can put my hand starting the command, but it wont seem to make the ball move back no matter what I do.
BP_PButton is the blueprint for the button/pawn that i am trying to interact with
BP_MoveableActor is the ball i am trying to move back when i interact with the button
I have tried anything I can think of for hours, and I still cant get anything to work. PLEASE help me
Can you make sure that the button’s Event Actor Begin Overlap is firing? (Put a Print String node)
If it is not, the Actor Begin Overlap might be trying to use the root component of your pawn. Can you replace the DefaultSceneRoot with your Box collider and try again?
Thanks for your reply
I put the print string node and as you guessed it didnt print anything to the log (make sure i did this right please im pretty new to blueprints)
I added a print string node after the cast on the cast failed link and i think i understand whats happening but I dont know how to fix it:
When i touch the pawn with my vr hand, nothing happens, but when i hit it with another actor, it fires the actor begin overlap event and prints “hello”. after that, however, it also prints from the second print string in the cast failed link, “it failed”. So there are two problems now
the pawn doesnt notice my hand as an actor trying to interact with it,
the pawn is failing when it tries to cast to the moveable actor
output log after i touched the pawn with another actor ^ (when i touched it with my hand it printed nothing) and the current blueprint for the pawn
any idea how to solve either or both of these?
As I can see it you only have one problem - the hand actor is not interacting with your object.
The casting thing is understandable since we are poking it with other objects which are not supposed to work anyway.