I wanted to set a custom hardware cursor for my game and i succesfully did that, i want the player to be able to turn it off tho and that i couldn’t do. On the custom cursor tutorial i was the guy just said to use the “set hardware cursor” node again and just type nothing, this is giving me an error tho because it wants to find the “none” cursor in the slate folder again. Is there something i’m missing? How do i reset the hardware cursor to default one in blueprints?
I tried that already. Sadly it’s for a different target (which is widget, “set hardware cursor” is widget blueprint library) and only works if you set the cursor first with a “set cursor” node and that’s just switching on EMouseCursor Enum so between default visuals.
The only way i can think of right now is making another cursor which is the default windows one and switching between those two but that doesn’t sound like a proper way to solve this issue.
Not sure if this will work, but there is a ResetCursor node, you could try that
Yes, blueprints is limited to whatever the programmer decided to expose. So sometimes you have to do weird workarounds to get what you want. The alternative is to learn how to use C++
You can go into Window>Pallette and above Library, search for the word “Cursor”, this will show you all blueprint stuff associated with cursors