[HOW TO] Replicating Lyra Animations In Clean Project

Here we go, so I’ve been struggling with a way to get this set-up and have found NO answers or people who have resolved this no matter how far and wide I’ve searched. I’ve come up with a simple way to fix this that only runs once at begin play, or you can run the custom even in the construct graph. Here’s the simple fix. You CANNOT do this without a cast as far as I have tried because you get null returns whenever trying to put in the mesh as the target. This is running on both client and server (this fixes when either the client can’t see server animations AND vice-versa).


( I could Only Post as A Question) Hope This Helps Anyone Who has Came Across This Issue

I believe the reason why you “can’t” it is because Lyra creates its own namespace for starters. Also, the characters are not your off-the-shelf character, and I mean the:
include “GameFramework/Character.h”

So basically, if you look into their code, they practically recode the Characters for Lyra. It is completely different from than regular Characters.

So, you would need to recreate it or code one Character that incorporates all of their mods or import their C++ code from Lyra and try to use it from there, and I began to look into it. It will take me some time, but I like the overall Behavior of the Lyra Character to use it, as well as the animations, but I don’t want to use the whole Lyra base code.

Did you find a way or had done it ?

Late Reply here, in 5.2 it’s working on begin play still, but I can’t seem to find a fix around it so I’m currently finding away to replicate lyra’s c++ replication. I don’t want a 9.9GB template either haha

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Found out that they replicate inside of C++, so you’d have to look at what they do for replication inside their c++ classes and attempt to copy that. Another thing I’d found is you can ABSOLUTELY copy their c++ classes over but is very tedious and time consuming because you have to rename almost all files and variables in c++ and change the redirects as well. I think they weren’t joking when they said they want games to be built off lyra or try to set up systems like lyra uses

(post deleted by author)



I pretty much gave up and began learning a way to code a Character from Scratch, and I will probably leverage their animations.
However, it is definitely more straight-forward to code from scratch the Character class. Trying to leverage their assets

Yep, you right you create something from Lyra or go from scratch and leverage assets from Lyra like animations and Animations blueprints type of stuff.

But BP of Animations you will need to recreate, remapping is sheer chaos.

Hello I’ve tried implementing both ways into my project using version 5.3, do you have an updated way to do it for 5.3?

Do you know why it is when you use threadsafeupdates and linked anim layers that it doesn’t replicate like the ThirdPerson template?

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Sup @GakiSenpai,

Look, the short answer is: it can’t keep all links of all paths; you can migrate, not copy into your project, but the problem is, in general, you use a Character; Lyra uses a Pawn with a few other classes on inheritance that do almost same as Character with caveats.

So the best solution is:

  • Copy/Migrate all animations you want
  • The mannequin Rigs
  • Now Migrate to your target Skeleton

The Animation classes … that is the bad news. Just manually re-implement all from scratch. Implementing Thread Safe animations is a bit more complex process; I did it in some training, and it still baffles me since I’m not a foremost expert on it.

I will try the method above regarding the animations since my animations are BluePrints. I’ve been doing them myself, and I plan to use the animation in a Character-based Class, so I’ll use the rig to migrate it.

Thanks for reply.

Yes I’ve already migrated everything & recreated all of the animation blueprints as well as threadsafefunctions. Everything works stand-alone, but just doesn’t replicate like the TPTemplate.

I believe I’m going to have to merge the ABP_Mannequin_Base & ABP_LinkedAnimLayers then just parent the unarmed, pistol, etc to base bp.

My other option is to try and replicate ABPs which has been giving me issues even corrupting my character bp.

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Hey @GakiSenpai, sorry for the delay, man; I only now got back to my computer. I was thinking about that today.

Create a new character from scratch (I do in C++) and import all animations, now you need to build you character can use the same Skeleton and Skeleton Mesh, and recreate as you mentioned the Animation blueprints and blends etc …

You are right; it is a ton of work, but later, with a mapping rig, we can remap it all to new SK and SKMs

I will work on that way on my side and see how far I can push it.

No worries man I appreciate you getting back to me I was actually able to figure everything out as well as extended the cmc to take advantage of the client prediction as well.

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Great To hear it.
Good luck!