How to render sequencer audio via command line?

Hi there,

I hope someone can help me with this. I am having trouble finding out how to set the output audio format setting, found in the sequencer

movie settings via command line. I have the command to run Unreal from command line, set up the required render settings and render out the sequence, but cannot find anything to set, that will render out the .wav audio file.

I can only render out the .wav by setting the output audio format manually from inside Unreal, but I am required to do this through command line and was wondering if anyone knows any information on the matter or the appropriate flag to set similar to the render flags in the render command line?

My command so far follows the same structure as the example found int the Unreal documentation and is shown below.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.##\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe" "D:\Unreal Projects\SequencerTestBed\SequencerTestBed.uproject" /Game/TestRender/TestRender_Map -game -MovieSceneCaptureType="/Script/MovieSceneCapture.AutomatedLevelSequenceCapture" -LevelSequence="/Game/Test_Render/Test_Render_SQ" -MovieFrameRate=30 -noloadingscreen -resx=1280 -resy=720 -MovieFormat=JPG -MovieQuality=75

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Just in case anyone else needs this, the option is


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