How to Rename an Actor Group?

Currently the names I see in World Outliner are GroupActorN or GroupActor_N.

It would be great to rename these.



I’m surprised no one has run across this and answered it. I can’t find an answer online. Hmmm…

Maybe this will get it moving again.


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Select the Group Actor in World Outliner and then left click the label and you can edit it in place.

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I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that had problems with this!

I was able to rename the group only after disabling Allow Group Selection (CTRL + SHIFT + G) from the Settings dropdown in the Toolbar. Then, as long as nothing else is selected, left click on the name of the group and you can edit it.


Unfortunatley not working for me, always is something else selected, so no naming option.
Also when I unlock the group
Any suggestions?

UE 4.26

When I untick “Allow group selection” in the Settings as suggested, the groups get greyed out and so they´re not renameable.

So no way?

UE 5.1P2




Has anyone found a solution to this?

Because no one replied until yet:
Filter for the current group name in the outliner (e.g. “GroupActor0”, then it’s possible to select only the group you’ve filtered for and you can rename it by pressing F2.

If anyone knows a better solution, please tell me. This is more like a workaround.


Thanks, you saved me.

Maximilian’s method worked for me (thank you!!), but I wanna bump this even though it’s old. Renaming shouldn’t be this hard, would love to find the simple way.

F2 works when selecting the group from outliner search but not in the outliner overview, huh

Maximilian’s solutions works. Would be nice if you could change it with F2 like most everything else, though. I’ll submit an official Feature Request.

I’ve submitted a feature request but I’ve found just searching “Group” in the outliner isolates the group names pretty easily allowing you to rename them with F2. I realize this is a simplified version of Maximilian’s solution but because it’s so easy to do, I don’t think they’ll be adding this feature to the engine any time soon.


It works perfectly to me! Thank you, saved my day!

Thanks for submitting a request for this. It should not need a workaround, it’s a basic UI interaction in any 3D app.