How to rename a BlueprintType struct?

I’m trying to rename a struct I made in c++ using the rename refactoring in Visual Studio 19. But whenever I do so, all the Blueprints that are using that struct all revert to default values.

Old name on MyBlueprintLibrary.h

struct FAbilityStruct

New name:

struct FAbilityInputData

The struct being used on MyCharacter.h:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Abilities)
TArray<struct FAbilityInputData> Abilities;

I also tried adding this redirect on DefaultEngine.ini:


But none of that seem to work. After renaming and adding the redirect, all Blueprints using the struct will reset to default anyway.

Am I using the redirect incorrectly? Is there some other way of renaming to avoid the reset? Or is this kind of thing just not supported by Unreal and I am supposed to manually refill dozens of blueprints with data?

This is supported by Unreal, I had to rename classes:

Core Redirects:

