How to remove Z axis movement from a projectile.

I have accomplished making and object move around on the X/Y axis but once in a while it will just randomly fly on the z axis even though i have velocity set to 0. is there a way in blueprints to just eliminate any move on the z axis at all for an actor?

Cant post a screenshot at the moment, but where you have your movement code I assume somewhere you are getting the current position and updating to the new location. Before you do that yuo need to break the vector3 up and set z to 0 (or whatever your z value is)…

This isn’t exactly what you are after, but this screenshot below kinda shows what you need to do (just the other way round).

Please post your blueprints.

Does the problem occur when your projectile spawns or does it change it trajectory during midflight? Is your projectile affected by gravity?