How to remove the binded actions from key

how to remove the binded actions from k

Hi Ryuikuya,

You can access the input bindings in the Edit>Editor Preferences> Keyboard Shortcuts menu. If you are looking to bind this key to a function in game, please check the Edit> Project Settings> Input menu. These give you access to the keyboard shortcuts and inputs for the editor and your specific project.

Are there any dynamic method to remove it in c++

There is **RemoveActionMapping **in UInputSettings

[=Bruce Nesbit;93235]
There is **RemoveActionMapping **in UInputSettings

I tried it. but it just can work in next time I start game.

[=Bruce Nesbit;93235]
There is **RemoveActionMapping **in UInputSettings

thank you for you answer. do you know how to update my remapping in the game.

Following is my code. as you can see I remap actions binding.but it can not work right now.
it just work in next time I restart my game.

const FName name = FName(*function_name);
const FKey  oldKey = FKey(*old_key_name);

const UInputSettings* DefaultInputSettings = GetDefault<UInputSettings>();

const FInputActionKeyMapping fInputActionKeyMapping(name, oldKey);



You should checkout SVehicleControlsSetup::RemapKey in the Vehicle sample game. It does exactly what you require.

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Are there any dynamic method to remove it in c++