I’ve been using perforce, and now I have removed perforce from my pc and the project from the cloud, and do not want to use source control, so I disbale it, but everytime I restart the project I am connected again. I have no idea how to remove this completely, is it somewhere in the settings? Can anyone help me?
Many thanks
how it looks before I shut the project
how it looks when I restart the project
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Surprised no one has replied to this one. Its the top result in google. I also would like to know how to disconnect it without uninstalling perforce.
This was how I did it without uninstalling perforce.
I did this because the connection to perforce I was using was no longer available because the server on my team mates PC was down as we had finished the game jam. And Unreal was freezing when saving files due to it looking for that source control.
I hope that helps someone out in the future and saves them a few minutes