How to remove modules when compiling Unreal Source

I need to build unreal engine source code to make some changes to the version that my team is using. 4.26.2 And i’m having some questions while building it. I’m trying to build the engine to make an installed build so we don’t need to recompile more than once WIKI. But it takes so long and it feel like i’m wasting my time building these modules that I know i’m not going to use.

Why do I need to build modules that i’m not going to use for my project? For example i’m not going to use any kind of MagicLeapEye tracking so why when i build the engine do I need to build the module “Module.MagicLeapEyeTracking”
I know that some modules may include that one for some cross module dependencies and I get that but is there a way that I can remove modules that I won’t be using?