How to remove key frames from a level sequence through blueprints?

I would like to randomly remove keyframes from a level sequence through editor utility widgets, is there a way to achieve such a thing?

There’s a few levels to go through to get to the keys, but it’s basically like this:

Yes need to enable sequencer scripting. And this is the way to edit the curves (ie. the keys have time/value/tangents, etc)

Hey thanks a lot Max for the detailed reply! I’ll try that out as soon as I can! :smiley: I suppose I can edit the curves through EUW too? Also, do I have to enable sequencer scripting?

Great! Thank you very much! I found out that when backwards solving animations using control rig, it bakes the animations with a key frame put to every frame. This gave me an idea of making a script that can transform the animation to an animation on twos removing every other frame and transforming the curves tangents. Can’t wait to try that out, thanks a lot for the helpful replies!