How to Remove/Enablethe default virtual joysticks(mobile) in unreal enigne?

I made a new project and selected mobile as the platform in the initialization screen, hence it shows the 2 virtual joysticks whenver i play the game in the editor. however when the player is in the menu (implemented via a widget) i want to remove the virtual joysticks (default) and only want them to appear when the player is actually playing the game, and not when they are in the menu

where do i set this up? i want the default joysticks to appear ONLY when i want them to, not always be present on the screen.
NOTE: im new to unreal and game development in general, but i know blueprint scripting thoroughly
Thanks for your time!

Hi N4RJ4M,

By default, mobile project virtual joysticks are enabled via the Project Settings → Input → Mobile settings. You can get to this area by either left-clicking “Edit” on the top left of the editor and then going to, “Project Settings”, and then navigating to the Input → Mobile settings. Or, you can press the “Settings” button along the top center menu of the editor and go to Input → Mobile settings.

From there, you can disable the “Default Touch Interface” by choosing “None” from the drop down.

Now, if you want to toggle the virtual joysticks when you want them, this is an example via a Character Blueprint:

If you want to keep the joy sticks on by default but toggle them off and on, switch the A and B paths.


How would one go about removing just 1 of those joysticks, or reusing the scripts and altering? where are they held? or is it just in c++?

They’re 2 options by default. The default has both left and right joy stick. Whereas the left option only has the left joy stick.

“Activate Touch Interface” Isn’t There

You are probably searching for context sensitive functions, since the Target is Player Controller you will have to search “All Possible Actions” rather than “All Actions for this Blueprint”


Is there a way to completely reset the mobile joystick configurations altogether, like reload your project with the default? For some reason mine is broken to the point where no matter which client I use the joysticks on, only the first client gets affected. I’m controlling my first player with my second player’s joystick, can’t figure out how to fix this.

I’m also building unreal engine from source, and thats when this problem arose. My coworker who has his built through the epic games launcher has it running fine, the joysticks on each client only affect themselves. Really hoping this isn’t just a problem with the source build because I need to use the source build for my project to run multiplayer.