I am using Perforce as source control, and encounter a problem, steps are as below:
- Get latest BP from server
- Edit and save the BP
- I don’t like to changes, so I force-get the BP from server
- Now, my local BP is reverted to latest version, but my UE BP is not affected and is still my edited version
- What I want to do now is, right-click my UE BP and do a reimport (like in Unity), so that UE would check my local file, and import my local file into the project.
Is this possible?
Note 1. I didn’t check-out the BP before I started editing, I use all-write (all files are not read-only) with my work- space.
Note 2. I know I can do all the following in UE and it will work: check-out the BP first, then edit, then revert it; but I don’t want to check-out the BP before editing, and please see Note 3.
Note 3. If I check-out and revert in Perforce visual client, UE still can’t detect what I’ve done and remain in edited version, I also need a reimport in this case.