I’m trying to do an “In game” cinematic with the level sequencer
I’ve done the sequencer itself.
I’ve done the “Play” when you hit a trigger box.
I’ve even got it playing the animation using the default slot in the Blueprint Animation Graph.
What I can’t get it to do is return to the original state machine in the Blueprint Animation Graph.
So the plan is to go. Play game → Hit trigger → play sequence + Character animation → Return to player control.
As you can see in the image, I go from the state machine and then slot and then final pose.
But when I play the animation it won’t end and return to Locomotion.
Ive attached the sequencer just encase I’ve done something wrong with that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I can’t seem to find much in the ways of information on the web with this particular problem.
From what I can see you can’t play montages from the sequencer.