(UE5.2) In tutorials I’ve watch for UE4.x, they click on bp actor in the scene, and then in their blueprint they right click and instantiate a reference to the scene bp actor.
This does not seem to work anymore in UE5.2.
What is the proper way to reference a scene bp actor in a blue print. (a non scene level blue print, I think I can do this in a scene blue print, but not in a actor blue print)
You can only do this in the Level blueprint, because only the Level knows that that particular actor will be there.
If you need to find some particular actor from another actor (such an actor instantiated from a blueprint,) then “find actors of type” is one way. You typically only do this once, at begin play or a similar event, and then store a reference to the actor you found in some variable.
Did this used to work in non-Level blue prints?
I could have sworn I’ve seen tutorials all over the place do this in non-Level blue prints…maybe they were in Level blue prints and I didn’t realize it…
If you’re talking about an actor instance reference, then, no, there’s no way that a regular blueprint could do this. It’s simply not possible, because actor instances only exist in the context of a level – what would you do if you tried to instantiate the blueprint in question in some other level?
If you’re talking about an actor class reference, then, yes, blueprints can use references to classes just fine.
If you’re talking about actor instance references in other actor instances, then, yes, that can work. Typically, if you have an actor instance reference property, for example, you will get an eye dropper when working with the instance of the actor, and can pick another object in the same scene. That reference will get broken if you move the object to some other level.
Note that the same eye dropper can not work when editing the blueprint, e g, for default property values, again for the same reason – a blueprint, without being instantiated as an actor, does not exist in the context of some particular level, and thus cannot talk about particular actor instances.