How to reduce the amount of patches when packaging?

I use TeamCity to automatically package the project after someone commits the code. I used batch scripts with uat command and I used -generatepatch and -addpatchlevel parameters so that there is a new patch every time.
The following is the packaging command I used

call %uat% -ScriptsForProject=%project% Turnkey -command=VerifySdk -platform=Win64 -UpdateIfNeeded -EditorIO -EditorIOPort=60949 -project=%project% BuildCookRun -nop4 -utf8output -nocompileeditor -skipbuildeditor -cook -project=%project% -target=%target% -unrealexe=%uexe% -platform=Win64 -stage -archive -package -build -pak -iostore -compressed -prereqs -applocaldirectory="$(EngineDir)/Binaries/Win64" -archivedirectory=%archivedirectory% -clientconfig=%clientconfig% -serverconfig=%clientconfig% -installed -map= -CookCultures=zh-Hans -createreleaseversion=%currvernum% -generatepatch -addpatchlevel -basedonreleaseversion=%baseversion% -distribution

However, due to frequent packaging and too many patch packages, for example, it took only 3 days for our product to iterate from version 0.0.1 to version 0.0.100. This results in 50 patch packs now.

Will too many patches affect the game loading speed? Is there any way to merge these patches into one file, or what packaging parameters are more appropriate? I still want to be able to automatically package

Currently I am using version 5.1.1, I still want to use IO Store. I know that this will result in patch packages not being .pak files but .pak and .ucas, .utoc files. I have tried to decompress these patch packages with UnrealPak, but I can’t compress the decompressed files into ucas again, and always report an error