Hello, using static meshes there’s instanced static mesh to reduce load
ive used instanced static mesh for my static meshes…
but my actors (2d)… are causing a heavy load on fps
(my actors have ai controller and use BT for movement, the actor contains 2 flipbook sprites )
when spawning 400 actors, when idle, fps drops from 120 to 30 fps
now when moving… 200 actors, all moving drops the fps to 30 fps
with 300 moving actors, fps drops to 20 fps…
now im wondering is there any way to reduce load?..
i mean, the actors are 2d flipbook sprites…
any way to have something like instanced static mesh, but used on sprites?
i’ve even tried to hide the characters when they are offscreen…
but of course i need them to still navigate to their target point…
really need help on this…