I’ve created a simple game for mobile and right now, with very minimal art and blueprints, my .ipa file is 87mb. Are there any ways to to decrease the size of the app? I’m hoping to be able to reduce the size of my app to around 40-60mb.
I’ve seen a couple of other threads and AnswerHub questions on this topic, but none of the ways seem too effective or official. As of 4.8, is there anything that can be done to solve this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check out the Config/IOS/IOSEngine.ini file in the TappyChicken project for a slew of settings that you can enable to trim the size down. I’ve listed them below. If you add these to your DefaultEngine.ini file, you should see the size come down. I doubt it will come down to 60 mb, but it should shave off 12 - 15 mb. The one that makes the biggest difference is bCompileForSize.
Thanks for the response! I found the same settings in the TappyChicken ini file that you mentioned and pasted them into my project’s DefaultEngine.ini but my project still comes out to be the same size. Is there a certain place I would have to put these settings, or is there also something else that I’d need to do?
Sorry, I just noticed you’re working on a blueprint project. I’m not sure if the above settings would have any effect in that case.
You could try adding a single, empty C++ class to your content browser and then packaging your project. This should trigger a code-build which would incorporate those settings.
Yup, sorry if that wasn’t clear – I’m only using blueprints. I tried adding an empty C++ class, but that seemed to cause other issues when packaging my game as iOS, so I could not get your method to work. Is there any other way to get this to work?
Are you using the binary release? If so, unless you are on a Mac, the build settings won’t do anything. On a Mac, they should cause your game to build an executable with the new settings. This is a Mac only feature for the time being for the binary realease. With GutHub release, you can get this to work on PC as well.
Hi psauer, thanks for the response. I am using the binary release on PC, so I guess I won’t be able to get 's method to work unless I do a GitHub release.
Would you happen to know about any other methods to reduce the size of my app? As of now, the only method that has been successful for me is removing Slate/Font and Slate/Common from my final build (this removes ~7mb).