How to reduce a character's momentum

Hi there, I’m quite new to UE4 and was having an issue with my character’s momentum

The game is a 2d Twin Stick Shooter type of game.

I want my character’s movement to feel precise and quick but currently it carries a lot of momentum when I try to make turns and come to a stop.

The way the main pawn in the Twin Stick Shooter template game operates is what I’m going for, but I haven’t found the right settings for that on my paper character class-type character.

I adjusted the deceleration which helped with the stopping speed, but it’s still very tough to make a quick turn or other precise movements.

My guess is that it has something to do with the default settings of a paper2d game type.

I appreciate any assistance with this :slight_smile:

I am @ work at the moment so can’t check the excact names etc of the properties but have you tried fiddling with the different settings of the CharacterMovement component of your Character Blueprint?

Yes I had tried that, but also where I found my solution after playing with it more.

Essentially, because I had my default movement mode set to flying, it was controlling as though I was falling/jumping.

I eventually set the maximum flying acceleration to something super high (50000 or more) and the acceleration seemed to overwhelm the momentum carrying me issue.

There was also a bit of leftover momentum any time I’d stop, and with Rama’s help made a simple blueprint to slow down my velocity when I stopped having input.