How To Recreate In UE5

Does anyone know how to recreate this floor with the animated material in UE5?

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The easiest way is to make each one a blueprint. Each BP contains the tile mesh with a material instnace, and uses a timer to change the redness.

More complicated, is where each one is a static mesh instance, and you control the redness using per instance custom data.

I really depnds on what you want to do with it.

Is there a tutorial that I can look at in regards to the easy way?

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I will come back in a little while :slight_smile:

Im for the hard way:

1 shader.
1 time.
1 sine.
1 special UV mapping each hexagon to a specific area.
1 special texture defining the age of each floor hexagon.

Use the texture of age onto the proper UV coord, multiply by sine, multiply by time, multiply by an arbitrary offset to increase/decreas speed.

Use it as the alpha of a lerp between two base colors.

30m modeing/design work.
10 minut shader.

Ps: may want to make slightly more descriptive topic titles in the future…
Is that hard? :thinking:

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I’ll explain the easy way, then you do the hard way :wink:



After a bit of tuning


Bit more




In the timeline

That’s perfect thanks.

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PS: Here’s the tile :smiley:

hex tile.fbx (18.0 KB)

Turns out .1 is pretty good with a gray directional light ( and nothing else )



here’s my take.


8X8 Hex Tile (same file name, same hex tile)
hex tile.fbx (462.7 KB)
8x8 TIME tile.

If you have to add 1000x1000 tiles, this is the way…
If a on a limited tile set, the other way is better (more control over what witches on and how).

I suppose there’s also a third way using only shader and only 1 tile.

BAD hism (you need a mesh that’s set up for tiling here)

Simplest of shaders:

End result

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Very nice :smiley: :metal:

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Added perinstance random. we forgot about that didn’t we?

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I did think of that, but I don’t think you can do a fade in / fade out with it. Might be wrong… :thinking:

You could if you messed with the shader timing some more.

Sine always goes from 0 to 1 so you could expand it’s time frame to be in a range
all values from 0 to .3 return from 0 to the texture or perinstancerandom value - and that’s your fade-in.
all values from .8 to 1 return a map ranged clamped from 1 to 0 inverted, and that’s your fade-out.
Or some better combination of that. It’s good in theory, when you add it to the shader like that it likely just blows up in yar face like shaders love to do.

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:sunglasses: :+1:

Sorry, been busy. Where’d you get “Tile Mat” from.

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All the instruction, including the tile material, are here :slight_smile:

He mans “how did you get that as a variable”…

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This is me making ‘tile mat’


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