How to record an actor with CineCameraComponent getting a CameraShake?

I don’t like that “sequence recorder” feature… It seems tacked-on.

I had to record a cinematic once, and I ended up using OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), or literally any other kind of desktop recording software (except maybe Fraps, which is abandonware by now; hasn’t been updated since 2013).

Just don’t forget to press F11 to toggle “Immersive Mode” before hitting the space bar to start the cinematic.

Hey Guys!

I am having difficulties figuring this one out. So I have a blueprint class I use as a moving camera. Every time this actor stops it gets a CameraShake from the level blueprint. It works fine until I start to record it with sequence recorder. All the movement is there except the CameraShake. I always have problems with the sequence recorder so please if you understand the logic behind it, educate me :slight_smile:

Here you can see my ObserverCamera class this is the one moving around:

This is how I record it:

This is the problem:

As you can see, there is no transform at the signed area where the shake should have been. And the weird stuff that it happens while its recording so I really don’t understand why there is no transform for the camera.

I hope you can help me :slight_smile:


Yes that is good for one, but it would be a really good feature if it wouldn’t suck. Actually I think there is a solution for this, only I don’t understand the logic behind it.

try making the outer radius non zero